ServiceAlive has all the awesome Features

bright green future of monitoring

Now everybody can monitor all his IT services health with serviceAlive for FREE!

Current service monitoring options include following services:

  1. HTTP and HTTPS,
  2. certificate validity,
  3. TCP connection,
  4. ICMP/ping
  5. heartbeat, to monitor your periodic jobs, like backups

You have total freedom configure service monitoring interval, from 1 minute to several hours.

In case of service problem you will be notified by email.

For every service several characteristics are available over different time periods like last hour/day/month, such as:

  • SLA
  • response time
screenshot from monitored services list, along with current status and SLA
Details on monitoring credits

Each free user will get credit of 1000 units, which enable total freedom to set up large amout of services to monitor. Following table summarizes cost for each service and some sample time intervals.

Service/interval:1 minute5 minutes15 minutes60 minutes12 hours 24 hours
HTTP, HTTPS100020066161

This enables for example monitoring of following services and time intervals:

  • 2 HTTP/HTTPS services every 5 minutes (400 credits) +
  • 5 HTTP/HTTPS services every 15 minutes (333 credits) +
  • 10 TCP connections, like SMTP, IMAP, POP3, DNS-TCP, .. every 15 minutes (160 credits)
  • 10 ICMP/ping test every 5 minutes (100 credits).

If you need to show others, how your services are perfoming, use Statuspages.

New features will occasionally pop up in short blogs.

Give it a try, or install Adroid app from Google Play, link below..


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